Bloodstone Dye Kit in the Gem Store

by Evon Gnashblade on August 09, 2016

Not only do I have a set of flashy new dyes for you this week, but I’ve hired a few extra hands to help out Aesthetician Kristina. That’s right—now you can consult with a Black Lion Aesthetician in any of the capital cities or premium lounges. Go treat yourself.

  • Bloodstone Dye Kit

    This dye kit contains a random selection of twenty-five dyes in ominous shades of red, purple, and dark pink, including six new colors inspired by the Bloodstone. They’re much safer than the real thing, but don’t go trying to cook with them.

  • Toxic Armor and More on Sale

    I’ve got extra inventory all over the place! Starting today, you can pick up the Toxic Gloves Skin and Toxic Mantle Skin. I’ll even discount them by 20% to get them out of my sight. Check back later this week to see what other deals I’ve managed to dig out of storage.

  • Available Now in the Gem Store!

    Log into Guild Wars 2 and press 'O' to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more!