Points of Interest Wraps Up 2014 This Friday

by The Guild Wars 2 Team on December 18, 2014

For the final Points of Interest of 2014, Rubi’s going on a guided tour of the new log-in reward and daily achievement systems. Guild Wars 2 Game Design Lead Mike Zadorojny and Gameplay Programmer Lester Bloom will show off the new systems and share a behind-the-scenes tale or two from its creation.


Hugh Norfolk is in to check Rubi’s PvP 101 homework as well as set up for some PvP over the holidays. We’re going to do a quick recap of the basics to make sure everyone’s ready to jump in, and then it’s off to the unranked arenas!

Hop on the Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel this Friday, December 19, at 12:00 p.m. PDT (19:00 UTC). We’ll see you then!